a term for inhaling the compressed air and propellant from a canned product used for dusting computer keyboards and other electronics. Also see "huffing"
by CJD January 31, 2005
Jon: Hey man, Fazoli's today?
Matt: Yeah dude, I've been hankering for a good "dusting".
Jon: Yes, after we have "dusted" our breadsticks,It will look just like the picture.
Matt: Yeah dude, I've been hankering for a good "dusting".
Jon: Yes, after we have "dusted" our breadsticks,It will look just like the picture.
by CrissCrossMcGee March 13, 2008
A term Midwesterners use to describe the amount of snow that has fallen on the ground, when that amount is less than fourteen feet.
by Dr. Worm February 4, 2004
When an old man that can no longer produce semen ejaculates and nothing but dust puffs out of his dick in a cloud.
James: I think grandma and grandpa were doing it last night.
Randy: Yeah, I'm sure he gave her a good dusting.
Randy: Yeah, I'm sure he gave her a good dusting.
by Follows Herons May 31, 2006
To dust, to leave behind, to break ankels....Typically happens in hockey,
Hockey Slang.
Damn that kid is soft and dusty, why is he on the ice.
Hockey Slang.
Damn that kid is soft and dusty, why is he on the ice.
by Kaner1188 February 3, 2011
the act of persistantly and constantly being overly caring in a creepy and stalker like fashion. may also be known as a rent-a-stalker.
by bilbs & flans March 22, 2011
by the joke guys January 10, 2016