18 definitions by Kunstable


A supposed city,located in co.armagh, northern ireland. Developed from the 1960s onward to absorb excess population from Belfast.

Consists of nothing but a few office blocks, a shopping centre,and lots of council housing estates. Oh and lots of mucky fields so your guddies get dirty. Drugs are VERY easy to find. For all its social and economic problems, its most definatly the best place in the world. But carlsberg diddnt do Craigavon, Buckfast did!
Craigavon isnt as bad as u mite think
by Kunstable March 18, 2007
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crap cruncher

"That guy is definately a crap cruncher..."

by Kunstable January 1, 2008
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C.O scene

The act of buying, and then consuming alcoholic beverages prior to entering a pub or bar, thereby saving money and aquiring a good deal of courage. Usually buckfast tonic wine is the drink of choice.

Carry out scene = C.O scene

PERSON 1---"Yo mate you goin for a C.O scene before we hit the town?"
PERSON 2---"Aye s'pose so man. What d'ya fancy gettin? Im sick gettin wine"(Buckfast tonic wine)

enter the off licence......

after looking at the range of alcohol for five minutes.....

PERSON 1---"Wine it is then?"
PERSON 2---"Hmm.....aye.....nothin better I s'pose!!!"
by Kunstable August 6, 2007
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rectum rattler

Another term for those men who get their A-Hole filled in by other men, and vice versa.
"Yer man over there is such a rectum rattler"
by Kunstable January 1, 2008
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the best alcoholic drink ever invented.a rich red,almost black wine, made by the wonderful benedictine monks.has many added chemicals such as sodium glycerophosphate and the ever more lovely vanillin. although known as "lurgan champagne", the truth of the matter is that Craigavon has the highest consumption of wine per person anywhere in the world.known the province over as "a 10 of wine", "buckie" , or most simply, "a bottle".
wee lad:"here mister go in to da offees and git us a bottle of buckfast, go on ahead."
me:"fuck aff wee lad ive been barred from here before for that"
by Kunstable January 16, 2007
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chin bar walloped

a term often heard in northern ireland,it means the effects of consuming copious quantities of ecstacy or MDMA. the afflicted person's eyes will roll back in their skull,the jaw will move up and down at approximately 93 mph,and the words "man i am soooo baked" will usually be spoken in an unintelligible manner.
last night i was chin bar walloped

did ya see the hack of that wee lad? he was fuckin chin bar walloped!
by Kunstable January 16, 2007
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10 deal

a now sadly out of use measurment of cannabis,that cost ten pounds.good if you were skint,but usually appeared not much unlike a spiders leg.
stoner 1:"get a fiver and we'll get a 10 deal"
stoner 2:"nah man,dont sell deals anymore thine friend,but the quarters are fifteen quid.no! wait! theyre 40 quid now round craigavon what a rip off,and its not even real pollen!"
by Kunstable January 16, 2007
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