One pound (100 pence) in British Sterling (GBP). Can refer to the actual denomination (a goldish looking coin, about a centimetre and a half across), or any amount in Sterling. In very common use, all across the UK.
by dr_newstead August 14, 2004
A singular unit of currency, once recognized only as the British pound (100 pence) but now widely used in place of the word dollar, pound, peso, et cetera.
by Ern December 25, 2005
by rob April 22, 2005
by _GoD_ September 21, 2004
"Ten cigars, twenty cigarettes, and two quids of chew per man; now that is decent." - All Quiet on the Western Front
by Ira Gaines April 17, 2006
by John Clarky May 16, 2005