115 definitions by Killing Kittens

Someone who has no concept of personal identity apart from how it relates to outdated ideas about race and ethnicity, and believes that these factors are somehow crucial. Of course, the term "race" is of little important genetic value, and pure races have existed either in history or prehistory, but don't tell them that.

Despite the idiotic nature of these backwards beliefs, Nationalists can be quite intelligent and back up their views with erroneous facts to support them. These are Darwinian and/or Nietzscheian in flavor.
Nationalism is a foolish, immoral, and dangerous ideology.
by Killing Kittens May 17, 2005
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The new name given to Necron 99, Blackwolf's former robot assassin.
"No pain. Peace wants love. Will help."
by Killing Kittens June 11, 2004
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The delusion that your situation is not as objectively bad as it is.
Hope is the fruitless denial of the more realistic pessimism.
by Killing Kittens January 18, 2005
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A spell with neither verbal or somatic components that is consciously or unconsciously cast by various charismatic, funny, and sexually appealing people, and instantly reduces the victim's I.Q. by 20 to 80 points. Half if they make their saving throw. The penalty applied is 18 minus the victim's wisdom.
If you feel yourself becomming infatuated, quickly leave before you do something stupid.
by Killing Kittens March 30, 2005
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The perverted Emperor of Rome masturbated madly in front of the mirror, gorging his already puissant narcissism. Many were the kittens that met death under his reign.
by Killing Kittens October 20, 2005
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A prostitute with a life-long contract to a single client.
Winnie was Adolph's wife.
by Killing Kittens March 6, 2005
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"Philosophy- A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing." --Ambrose Bierce
It was late one night when I was on a road trip with my two friends, Brian and Laura, when we decided to pull over to the side of the road and retire.

"Looks like you'll be sleeping in the car while Laura and I have the tent," Brian said.

"Here's the blanket," he continued, "You'll be fine with this, won't you?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Are you sure?"

"How is one sure of anything?"

"Or that there is any thing to be sure of," he added.

We both nodded, contemplating the profundity.
by Killing Kittens October 6, 2004
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