100 definitions by Keith

a ciggereite
yo pass me dat fug or when u need a fug you say fug break
by Keith June 29, 2004
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A girl with a round, full ghetto-butt.
She sure has a cute bubble-butt>>>
by Keith November 30, 2003
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White man: Woah snaps.
Black man: Cracka you di'int just. *face shoot*
by Keith March 30, 2004
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used by those who sound like they have a load of shit in their mouths. Usually black people who talk like ass.
Whassup mufucka. Where is my momma be?
by Keith March 25, 2005
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The act of farting into one's "cupped" hand, then ushering the captured fart into an unsuspecting victims face, thus causing him to inhale your butt fumes. Optimal conditions occur when victims mouth is open.
John was doing his math homework when suddenly he was inhaling fart from the butter cup Tom had just unleashed on him.
by Keith January 17, 2003
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A dirty ugly stupid gay ass mother fucking whore who should burn in hell and get there face cut off for being so damn ugly and gay and is a redneck straight from the trailor park.
J.J. is a zednic,
Look at that zednic rn
by Keith May 8, 2004
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{1} person who gives anal sex(2) person who hammers asses, with a hammer
Jim is such an asshammer.
by Keith June 3, 2003
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