99 definitions by Keith

To take a drag off of someone elses cigarette
Yo man let me get a short off that nailnail dude
by Keith August 9, 2003
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"I think I'll wear a banana hammock instead of boxers today."
by Keith November 30, 2003
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Place where everything is better than where your from. For example, weed. It also doesnt smell, and not everyone likes emo, because emo is gay. Home of the malls, playah
Me: you ever been to new jersey?
person: hell no i heard it smells like shit, and the people have a gay accent
Me :: pulls out 9 ::
by Keith December 2, 2003
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Actually driving your SUV in the environment it was designed for: OFF-FUCKING-ROAD!!! Like those of us who bought our Jeep Wranglers to---oh-my-god--- go four-wheeling!!! Unlike the metrosexual wannabe dickheads that think offroading is what they do in mall parking lots with speedbumps.
Buddy #1: "Watcha doin' later?
Buddy #2: "Thought I'd go 'wheelin' up the canyon for the day..."
Buddy #1: "Cool...gonna take the Renegade or the Quads?"
Buddy #2: "Gonna take 'em all"!!!
by Keith November 30, 2003
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White man: Woah snaps.
Black man: Cracka you di'int just. *face shoot*
by Keith March 30, 2004
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