70 definitions by Jaggo

A shitheel of an excuse for a human being that takes great pride in handling rodent shit.
Dude, face it! You're a fucking croad.
by Jaggo March 22, 2004
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exclamation, Used after something's gone extremely shitto.
Jesus Christ in crotchless panties that fucking hurt! I just sat on a red hot fire poker and slid all the way down!
by Jaggo March 22, 2004
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A phrase corrupted by racist shitheaps to mean exactly the opposite of what it says.
Dumfuck1: Dude, lets get benefits based soley on our skin color and call it equal rights!

Dumfuck2: Hell yeah! That's way easier than actually taking responsibility for ourselves!
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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Any fucked up situation, i.e. stigwashed or fuckoed.
Dude, after I missed the aclu building with my freight train, I figured it was pretty much a fuckadillo.
by Jaggo March 22, 2004
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A symtom resulting from handing out ass all day.
Dude, I've gotta rest seeing as how I have a horrible case of ass hands.
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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short for ethanol, slang for booze.

Not to be confused with meth.
Dude, I need some eth on account of i got the DT's and I'm seeing little aliens devour my eyeballs.
by Jaggo March 23, 2004
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Dude, lets hit the ass market, as I am highly interested in gay midget porn.
by Jaggo March 21, 2004
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