320 definitions by JaCK

An un-needed warning regarding the safety of any foolish action.
Do NOT clean the barrel of this gun with your tonsils.
by JaCK April 30, 2003
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The ultimate, all-time definition of FUCKING SHIT.

A faggoty pop-band who wrote shitty music for a bunch of pre-pubescant girls, who actually managed to somehow delude themselves that they were listening to a rock band, as opposed to a corporate, bubblegum-pop pile of fucking shit, who jumped around like pretty-boy pussies and pretended to play their own intruments.

Words fail me in trying to describe just what a fucking atrocity.. what an assault on music and on the goddamn world in general this.. "band" (and I use the term "band" so fucking loosely)was.

Being into music along the lines of Megadeth, Lamb of God, Pantera etc, accidentally hearing one of "Busted"'s pussy-whipped perversions, was... well, it was on the same level as having my dick snapped in half, and getting raped through my ears.

Seriously... honestly... how the fuck could something like Busted ever be allowed to survive, how could those lady-boys ever have been allowed to escape without being tied down and shot in the street..

To sum this up... tey are not rock, they are not punk, they are not metal, they are not music... they are what happens when some godforsaken fudgepackers decide one day to take an almighty dump into a CD-case, and market it out to the musically illiterate.

They are so absolutely completely and utterly talentless and shitty, that I'd rate Britney Fucking Spears higher than them (and trust me, that's saying something). They each sang like they had just sat down on a large vibrator, and it had only dawned on them when they were cued to begin recording (bearing in mind that most of the time they undoubtedly lip-synced instead of singing at all)

They didn't play their own guitars.. their music had no guitar work or skill present, no riffs, no solos... not even any real fucking power-chords.. just the equivalent of a fucking banjo-oriented blind hillbilly strumming some tuneless melody on a half-stringed, broken guitar.

They are not rock, metal, or punk, or anything similar.. they embody in a word, everything that every real rock, punk or metal band protests about - comercialized bullshit, spoon-fed to the ignorant masses by the ton to help preserve some delusion of a perfect, happy "love-giggles-and-joy" society.
If Busted hadn't broken up, I don't think I would have lasted much longer... my condolences however to all the 11 year old girls, and musically tasteless imbeciles who thought Busted were anywhere close to being a rock band - and to who Busted had some kind of perverted significance
by JaCK June 18, 2006
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type of knife where a sliding of a switch causes a blade to come out of the front of the knife handle, not the side.
I stabbed the thief with my otf knife
by JaCK December 6, 2003
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Jesus' black, cooler twin who allows you to say his name in vain and in bed. Rock on, Esus.
by JaCK June 17, 2003
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Son of Godzilla!
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Gonna open up a big ole can of whoopass on Mothra.
by JaCK September 20, 2004
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