256 definitions by IAN

Eyebrows. It has been recognized that often a person's pubic hair is the same colour as his or her eyebrows.
Hola baby, does the rug match the curtains?
by IAN January 21, 2004
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to make fun of; to diss someone for no particular reason
oh, you got ranked on.
by IAN February 28, 2004
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a penius with hair in the tip
i was giving my boyfriend head but he had a very hairy wala wala.
by IAN February 6, 2004
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A job-less loser who frequents A4E in Birkenhead.
"Get a job you Jabroni."

"Shut up Carro"
by IAN April 13, 2005
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1. An "inward" explosioin, i. e. an implosion.

2. opposite of blam.
by IAN June 26, 2003
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Arrakis, later Rakis (known colloquially as "Dune") is a desert planet with almost no water at all, and is the only known source of the spice Melange which makes interstellar travel possible. It is native home of the Fremen.
Arrakis is the power center of the Imperium.
by IAN June 14, 2004
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when reffered to an object: sucks, adj.
when refereed to yourself: screwed, adj.
object version: You have to quote 100 lines of McBeth for schoool tommorrow? THat's ranctious
Personal Version: I'm so ranctious cause i didn't do my essay on Hamlet that's due today.
by IAN April 5, 2003
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