35 definitions by GregNelson29

The most discrete and family-friendly way to call someone a cunt.
It goes with any day in general, unlike c u next Tuesday, which implies specifically to Tuesday.
by GregNelson29 April 27, 2023
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The man that dickrolled us with his shit song Never Gonna Fuck You Up.
Dick Assley: Never Gonna Fuck You Up.
You: He just dickrolled us.
Me: I see.
by GregNelson29 September 7, 2023
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A ride at Disneyland for boomers.
It launched 180 feet up before dropping back down over and over.
It helped people at Disneyland behave like boomers.
Martha: I wanna ride Maliboomer.
Scott: OK boomer.
by GregNelson29 May 10, 2023
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A motherfucker who always makes music while high about Watermelon Sugar.
Whorry Styles: Watermelon Sugar HIGH!
by GregNelson29 February 11, 2023
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An exciting way to call someone a cunt before the last day of the week.
Greg: Catch u next Thursday before we eat out.
Constance: Thanks.
by GregNelson29 May 10, 2023
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The best Jamaican-American singer that ever lived.
He was best known for his 1956 cover of Gay-O/The Banana Butt Song.
He had big balls to play.
Whorry Ballafante: GAY-O! Me Say Gay-O.
The Tarriers: Gaylight cumming, we want to go hoes.
by GregNelson29 April 26, 2023
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