216 definitions by George


Guy:So what do you think of george.
Guy: he seems cool for awhile utill his dickatry gets to me.
by George January 20, 2005
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blue cow

A cow that is blue, duh.
Hey sup blue cow!!!!!!
by George January 5, 2004
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Used to represent a penis or that you want to have sexual intercourse with that person.
"I <3 her o so very much"
by George March 3, 2005
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bum darts

'Sport': A drunken game in which players place a coin in their ass-crack, and drop said coin into a designated cup on the floor.
Tina scores 3 points by getting a penny into the beer glass.
by George March 9, 2004
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Gods Gift to women. Most known for Rocafella Records or the ROC Dame Dashs record company co ownd by Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z all made possible by Def Jam.
Freeway is signed ta rocafella records
by George December 11, 2003
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a word used for something extremly cool
'that jump was lush'
by George January 10, 2005
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A pejorative term for an middle-eastern kid ("brown" person) who mimicks language, dress and mannerisms of black ghetto kids.
That brigger there's packin' heat.
by George March 20, 2003
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