216 definitions by George

peeling the chile

1) to slack off and do nothing
2)to masturbate

originated in new mexico.
guy: what are you doing tonight?
dude: nothing just peeling the chile.
by George January 21, 2005
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Buffalo Bill

Cross-dressing transexual. As seen in "Silence of the Lambs" film and also mocked in "American Pie 3: The Wedding". A Buffalo Bill is a guy who wants to have a sex change and looks like a girl.
"It put the dress in the drawers" or "It rubs the lotion on the skin unless it wants the hose again".
by George March 26, 2005
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a term used to tell somebody not to sweat the small stuff and get laid instead.
calm down man, don't sweat the petty shit pet the sweaty shit.
by George January 21, 2005
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A person convicited of the most serious category of a crime.
Having ben convicted of Grand Theft, he is now a felon
by George March 9, 2005
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I and I

Used in the rastafarian religion in place of "you and me" to show that all people are equal under Jah.
Your parents are coming to see I and I.
by George October 7, 2003
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When u get gloriously battred and just need a bit of quality time to yousrelf to allow the brin to function properly
Kirsty was pretty spoonered when she decided to spit in the jelly
by George March 31, 2003
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When George W. Bush states something as fact he may be misleading (lying to) people
by George September 25, 2003
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