216 definitions by George


A term used to describe someone thought of as very attractive/sexy. Can be used for males or females. See also foxy for adjective form.
Look at her, she's a total fox!

Kathy had a date with a fox last night.
by George February 2, 2004
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"So what did you all do over the weekend?"

"Nothing much, we went to John's house and had GBS."
by George January 30, 2004
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a team of skaters who are lame
Dude, that guy is apoxile!!
by George February 23, 2004
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Trash talking pussies ass mommas boys and little princesses who grow up listen to z-100 for a couple of years, add mtv throw in tri county and a few wiggers and presto, fucking levittown
Hey mike why are they running away from this fight, theres 3 of us and 9 of them?

Mike: dont you see theyre running scared because its in their nature theyre from levittown
by George November 19, 2004
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1. A male person that is flamboyantly homosexual.
2. A subliminal derogatory term used for male homosexuals.
3. Derived from the synonomous term that "a diamond is a girls best friend."
4. Originated in northern California in order to talk about homosexuals openly without sounding provokingly offensive.
That man is a 'diamond.'
by George March 25, 2005
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A state of enlightenment and/or nirvana produced by marijuana. So smoke if you wanna.
A wave of canabliss hit me as i toked the joint.
by George March 23, 2005
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