216 definitions by George


Phoam without the H.
Good for everything!
That is a chunk of purple poam.
by George November 11, 2004
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Originally "Docs Management" - known in the IT field as "Docs Mangler". Application designed to share and store documents that does nothing but screw up the computer and irritate users.
"My DM crashed and I can't get into my documents."

"DM lost my default profile."

"I saved a document into DM and all my changes are gone!"

"If you guys don't uninstall this F*#ing piece of Shizzle DM I'm gonna fricking kill someone!"

Sometimes used as a derogatory verb:

"Damn my PC just DM'ed!!!!"
by George August 14, 2003
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nicely toasted

a term meaning perfectly high on marijuana.
guy: want another toke mick.
mick: no thanks brew I am nicely toasted.
by George January 21, 2005
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nigga knaps

Knappy ass hair. Usually worn by blacks and other ''african american cultures''.
That young kid had very disgusting nigga knaps.
by George December 21, 2003
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An accumulated chunk of mass which is unstable and chemically imbalanced; generally a result of dynamic energy overload, usually caused by mental imbalance. The Bulkus term is rarely used as compliment, however it is usually applied to men of enormous stature
The bulkus exuberantly emphasised his confidence by screeching, "DAMN JEALOUS PEOPLE!"
by George February 17, 2004
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Builders' Radio

Sexual technique used by a man during ejaculation having recieved a blow job, in which he re-creates the effect of a paint splattered workmans radio on the face of his lucky lady.
...I gave her a face like a builders' Radio...
by George September 6, 2003
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a shortened version of I am leaving
i can't be arsed with your fucking bullshit any more you half witted slag of an excuse to be called human. moff
by George January 3, 2004
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