216 definitions by George
Cross-dressing transexual. As seen in "Silence of the Lambs" film and also mocked in "American Pie 3: The Wedding". A Buffalo Bill is a guy who wants to have a sex change and looks like a girl.
"It put the dress in the drawers" or "It rubs the lotion on the skin unless it wants the hose again".
by George March 26, 2005
by George January 21, 2005
by George March 9, 2005
Any woman who is known for her birkenstock sportin', torquoise jewelry wearing, self rightous, culture starved, money having ways.
by George January 21, 2005
When someone has acting like a bit of a prick or does something completely fuckin stupid due to drugs drink or being born through insest (like keith)
by George March 19, 2003