216 definitions by george

young fun

having sex with someone much younger than you.
I am tired of these old women I need some young fun.
by george January 21, 2005
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Georgie boy - a character in the novel/movie a clock work orange!
well well, what do we have here georgie boy?
by george March 10, 2004
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A hummer performed by a male.
Jason was well known throughout the prison for his himmers.
by george February 27, 2003
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bitch train

the bitch train is when a person is to obsessed with either his chick, chicks, or just plain old pussy.
guy: what is up with lamont?
dude: oh he is trying to get some.
guy: oh so he is riding the old bitch train.
by george January 21, 2005
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Poo, crap, shite, faeces, excrement.
"Cor, len's just done a huge kank!"
by george September 30, 2003
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wall shot

A very degrading insult. Slang for human seman shot on a wall.
"That dude robbie is such a f**king wall shot, man."
by george February 16, 2005
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when a girl or a homosexual fucks up your day.
damn, that bitch ass hoe gave me a scene.
by george March 13, 2005
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