216 definitions by George


i want to touch your faddle, j.t.
by George July 13, 2004
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a person that has had sex with way too many people.
tina is hot but it is a damn shame she is soo tried
by George January 21, 2005
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pardon my French

An apology for using profanity (and casual national insult).
by George December 1, 2003
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An individual who is really into fucking, perhaps even a whore or jiggalo.
Hot Janice laid 12 guys tonight and then bought a round of crack for all the other girls at the brothel. She's a real FUCKSTER!
by George September 9, 2004
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he's gonna get fustagated
by George November 12, 2003
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Cars designed for shirt-lifters
love is good, love is golden,
love should be made in the back of a Holden,
if you don't like it, if you get bored,
become a homosexual and fuck in a Ford!!
by George December 21, 2003
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John batfucked Sally. Therefore sally got fucked by a bat.
by George March 29, 2005
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