467 definitions by David

A hamburger joint called Blake's Lotaburger that was founded back inthe early 1950's in New Mexico. The BEST burger ever made....Blake's green chili cheeseburger. Pure fucking nirvana, you'll think you died and gone to heaven. Blakes-throughout New Mexico!
The next time someone I knows goes to NM, they're picking me up a GC CB! Lotaburger rules and all other fast food joints drool!
by David November 26, 2003
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Someone who uses a close aquaintance to meet girls, but to the aquaintances dislike.
by David January 25, 2004
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A slow car, usually a 4 cylinder mitsubishi lancer or hyundai excel that is 'riced' up by the owner by putting stickers all over it and adding a rear wing (for extra downforce on the rear to improve acceleration in their front wheel drive car). Other common 'modifications' include the infamous 'drain pipe' exhaust system, and 'lowering' - which is done by cutting the springs with a pair of pliers or tin-snips. The drivers of these sorts of cars are usually young teenagers who have no clue about cars, and actually think their car is 'fast' - and then either refuse to race a decent car (because they know they'll get annihilated), or get absolutely humiliated when they do.
The other night this guy in this rice rocket was revving his engine at the lights, trying to get me to race him... so I laughed a bit at first, then thought 'hmm why not'. He took off as fast as he could, and was wondering why he couldn't pass me when I was just staying beside him at half-throttle. Then I dropped back a gear and nailed it, hitting full-boost and leaving the poor ricer in a cloud of smoke about 15 car lengths behind.
by David March 28, 2003
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An animal with a backbone. There are five classes of vertebrates. Mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians are the five classes of vertebrates.
Humans are vertebrates. Insects are invertebrates.
by David March 6, 2004
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Adjective; a web site made unavailable by posting the link on fark.com and thereby directing massive amounts of traffic to said web site. See also wanged and slashdotted.
Dude, our server is totally farked!
by David October 30, 2003
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A term used to insult someone who is annoying
goofydave is a mother fucker. he never listens when i tell him stuff
by David November 17, 2003
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1. A cartoon mouse from Warner Bros. first appearing in 1953. Speedy Gonzales is known for his oversized yellow sombrero and his incredibly quick running speed.

2. Someone (usually male) who is considered fast to finish while having sex.
"I hear he's a Speedy Gonzales."
by David December 16, 2004
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