the slang term for the term "cum dumpster," describing a loose woman; a woman who frequently pleasures men in the art of sex with out thinking of consequences or disease. synonyms - slut, whore, ho, skank, skeevatz, fucktoy.
"Dude you don't wanna hit that she's a total dumpster."
"nah, i heard she's a dumpster"
"bitch has AIDS "
"nah, i heard she's a dumpster"
"bitch has AIDS "
by Joe Graf November 26, 2006
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It is extremely easy to dumpster bagels. However, the best find I've had while dumpstering is a ton of candy (Zours!) from a Blockbuster.
by Agent Zero November 12, 2003
A large metal container used to collect 'trash' and also used as a food source and even a residence by some worthless, brainless, smelly homeless Bums, like Leroy Knevil. Knevil made the term 'dumpster' more widely known in his 2003 book titled, "My Dumpster...My Home!"
by Dumpster Boy Leroy September 14, 2004
by Nonre October 15, 2004
A dumpster is a crucial bottle-neck in a fight. It's the point during a battle in which things can either go incredibly well or horribly wrong. Tank smacking, boomer spewing, hunter pouncing, jockey riding wrong.
by karms September 6, 2011
adjective. History: The word "Dumpster" was coined in Muncie, Indiana about the year 1998, concatenating the terms "dump", meaning derivations upon lack of quality, and the moniker "...ster", thus now constructing an adjective (i.e., hipster, prankster, lackluster, etc.). Definition: worthless, unsatisfying, unimpressive, lamentable, lame, broken, dilapatated, etc.
Your car is dumpster. Your power steering doesn't even work.
The Bahama's is dumpster. It's too expensive and the chicks aren't that hot.
Your mom is dumpster. She complains too much about my wiener being too big.
The Bahama's is dumpster. It's too expensive and the chicks aren't that hot.
Your mom is dumpster. She complains too much about my wiener being too big.
by Big Boobs Small Body April 20, 2007