16 definitions by Blind_assassin


The worst possible emotion you can feel. Makes you feel like theres no reason to do anything, and if its really bad, no reason to live. Can be very hard to overcome or sometimes just passes randomly.
Depression is a fucking bitch and i curse my humanity for being able to feel it.
by Blind_assassin September 15, 2005
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frisbee golf

Also known as frolf. Its golf with a frisbee.
I have no dea how to play frisbee golf or frolf.
by Blind_assassin September 27, 2005
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A group of insane environmentalists. Try and release animals they think are being mistreated even if they arent. Think any form of hutning is evil even though the animals end up killing eachother or starving anyway. Some end up in towns (namely bears) and have to be shot.
My dads girlfriend worked at a lab where a bunch of PETA morons tried to release all the chimps there, and she lives in Ottawa. Fucking dumb fuckers would have sentenced the monkeys to death.
by Blind_assassin August 31, 2005
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Combining Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza into a single term. These are the three holidays typically mentioned around this time so it's easier to say them all at once and not be some PC douchebag and say "Happy Holidays".
Have a happy Hanukwanzmas
by Blind_assassin December 22, 2006
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Jerrys' weirdo neighbour from the T.v show Seinfeld. His first name is Cosmo.
by Blind_assassin August 31, 2005
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========D (_o_)

ascII for anal. Can be used randomly or as a comeback to something. makes people mad at you if you do it in online games (namely diablo 2)
Person 1: ========D (_o_)
stupid kid: Thats nasty, im gonna try and get you banned cause im stupid
Person 1: whatever, blizzard doesnt do shit with this game anymore
by Blind_assassin September 27, 2005
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A form of game trolling in which someone attracts lonely men with an attractive female avatar (AFA). After gathering a dance party one then hints at what is to come and then switches as quickly as possible to a hideously disfigured monstrosity of an avatar (a quincy) to instantaneously repel everyone in the vicinity.

Said process above is the only known method of making "Home" entertaining.
Google "Joystiq + quincying" to get a video demonstration.
by Blind_assassin December 15, 2008
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