39 definitions by Ben Frey

A "girlfriend" that a guy claims to have, but nobody's ever seen her. May be either fictional and created to boost his image, antisocial, or highly resistant to spending time with his friends.

Based on Niles' wife in Frasier, who is often referred to but never seen unobstructed.
Hey man, glad you could make it to my party! Did you come alone? Where's your Maris this time?
by Ben Frey April 24, 2006
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Deriving far too much satisfaction from glibly berating another with sarcasm.
"Oh, thanks a lot for drinking my last beer! No, it's my fault... if I wanted it for myself, I shouldn't have put it in the fridge!"
"Dude, don't have a sargasm."
by Ben Frey May 22, 2006
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Instead of hiring illegal aliens to work for you in this country, this is the business practice of relocating your manufactring and labor pool to Mexico - so everything is just as cheap, and nice and legal. As coined by Stephen Colbert.
If southsourcing keeps up, illegal aliens in the US are going to need to go where the jobs are - Mexico.
by Ben Frey September 12, 2007
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Taking all the suspense out of a movie by revealing spoilers to someone who hasn't seen it.
"What are you watching?"
"The Village, I haven't seen it yet."
"Cool... you know it's set in the present, right?"
"Oh, goddammit! Thanks for the mysterectomy!"
by Ben Frey April 14, 2006
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To stop Tivo from switching the channel and recording a previously scheduled program, so you can continue to watch what's on live TV.
"Hey, do you need it to record this Mythbusters that's starting? I was watching the game."
"Nah, that's ok, you can TiVeto it."
by Ben Frey November 25, 2005
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A female singer with broad singing range - soprano to alto.
Evelyn is a sopralto and can sing about any musical number written for a female part.
by Ben Frey April 17, 2006
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