Dudess, that was AWESOME!

In a White House ceremony last night, President Bush said hello to the "dudes and dudesses" from the US Winter Olympic Team.
by Meach September 11, 2003
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A good response to "how are you?" If you're really livin' the dream, hold your right hand up in a "rokk!" symbol (same as sign language for "I love you"). If you are hyper-livin', hold up both hands.

Can be shortened to "livin' it."
Q: Hey, Gina, how are you?
A: I'm livin' the dream.

Q: Baby Helen, what's up?
A: (both hands up in "rokk!" formation) Livin' it!
by EllenMuehlberger May 5, 2006
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When you park your car in a very large parking lot and have to practically take a tram to get back to it. Each section of the parking lot at Walt Disney World is labeled by character names, and Goofy is the section farthest from the ticket center. Similar to BFE.
Yeah, I got to school late again. I'm parked in goofy for the 3rd time this week.
by justageekboy May 3, 2006
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When someone tells lies or stories to fit in with the crowd.
me: I just bought a new car!
Greg: I know, I bought a new car and a house.
me: Come on Greg, you don't have to lie to kick it.
by LaDizzle Mix May 2, 2006
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1. A phrase used as a formal declaration of defeat. For example: "Kenneth replied 'yo mama' when he realized he could not counter his opponent's point."

2. The principle part of a "Yo Mama" joke, usually entailing a description of your mother being so "something" that "something" occurred as a result.
1. Amy: You're so ugly!
Gwen: Yeah, well so's YO MAMA!

2. "Yo mama so fat, the last time she saw 90210 was on a scale!"
"Yo mama so dumb, she thought a quarterback was a refund."
by Ben September 11, 2003
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The breakdown lane on a highway. Why? Because that's how much money you gotta pay if a cop catches you driving in it.

(Can also mean the leftmost lane for trucks when they are only allowed to drive on the right.)
Passenger: This traffic sux! Let's take the 500 dollar lane.
Driver: Okay, but only if you'll front the $500 when statey sees us.
by creaternity May 2, 2006
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alcoholic beverages consumed at someone's house/residence before an evening of partying at a bar or nightclub, the premise being to save cash which you would otherwise have to spend at the establishment in order to get fully buzzed.
"let's pick up some primers before we go bar-hopping tonight."
by hipster November 24, 2005
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