(n). any non-electronic format used for finding directions.


A road atlas, foldout paper road map, handwritten directions, directions printed from free online map Web sites.
"John, how will you find our place if you get lost?"

"Don't worry. I have a good road atlas and good handwritten directions. My paper GPS is set to go".
by boggler August 18, 2009
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Used as a filler during a pause in conversation. Doesn't necessarily mean something complimentary.
"I bought that new Fanta today."
by Bec December 14, 2003
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Hooking up with someone who you've spoken less than 140 words to.
Sarah: How did you meet Rafael?

Jenn: At some random friend-of-a-friends' party. I'm not sure even how we ended up in bed. We pretty much met over brunch the next morning.

Sarah: Sounds like a twitter bang!
by santa clothes May 2, 2009
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To "throw up" multiple times on New Year's Eve, typically caused from excessive drinking after the realization that it was yet another sucky year of life.

This happens many times when people see their significant other kissing someone else on the "stroke of 12" during the Midnight hour.
If it wasn't for Bobby having the New Year's Heaves, we could have seen Dick Clark celebrate his 243rd straight New Year's broadcast.
by classyguy273 December 28, 2011
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When you are sitting on your couch, feet up on the coffee table, laptop on your lap. 4-10 hours later you are in an entirely prone position with your legs off the edge of the coffee table and your head on the seat cushion. You become completely unresponsive to your surroundings.

Loss of peripheral vision, amnesia, severely reduced motor function ability, and drooling with one eye closed are common symptoms.
I got online this morning to check my email and mess around on facebook for a bit. Next thing I know it's 7pm, my legs are totally numb, and I have this nasty trail of dried drool down my chin. That internet coma completely ruined my day!
by Joe Salone December 29, 2011
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Used in an argument to admit that you are wrong without admitting it so the argument is over.
Man, whatever.
by Exploding Boy February 9, 2003
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A paid assassin who "fixes" a problem, i.e., offs someone who has been causing trouble for the person paying the assassin.
You wantsta rub him out? You hires yourself a mechanic. Easy.
by Stanley Kunitz October 3, 2005
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