10 definitions by Awesomes007

The first overnight trip taken by two, new male friends.
After Odie and Phil met at the race track, they went on a homeymoon to Vegas together and drowned a dancer in a tub.
by Awesomes007 January 7, 2019
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A courtesy by a cashier when he or she turns away to avoid watching you enter your pin number.
The bank teller did the pin spin, turning her head away after she asked me to enter my pin number.
by Awesomes007 May 8, 2006
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A series of life-changing events that occur around 25 to 30 years of age - half-way to a normal, mid life crisis. Usually denoted by a realization of how screwed up your parents were and how screwed up the world really is. Usually followed by marriage, divorce, spiritual reawakening, anti-depressants, children, jail or, a combination.
Have you seen the movie Old School? Those guys were having some serious mid, mid-life crisis’s.
by Awesomes007 April 12, 2006
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A small, gray, rectangle space that a modern office worker shares with another worker - thus, a rectangicle instead of a cubicle.
"Hey Joe, is anyone sitting in your cube with you?"

"Nope, the seat is yours. And it's a rectangicle, not a cubicle."
by Awesomes007 August 26, 2006
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A burp following the consumption of fish or fish oil capsules.
"Oh, got the furps. I need to stop taking that omega 3 crap."
by Awesomes007 September 14, 2006
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A game of chance to decide which person pays for a restaurant meal. Every party contributes a credit/debit card into a hat and the waiter/waitress removes one card at time. The last card removed pays the entire bill.
We played credit card roulette at breakfast and DJ's card was the last one picked. He had to pick up the 200 dollar tab and since he is unemployed the California taxpayers provided the meal.
by Awesomes007 April 7, 2006
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A game of chance to decide which person pays for a restaurant meal. Every party contributes a credit/debit card into a hat and the waiter/waitress removes one card at time. The last card removed pays the entire bill.
We played credit card roulette at breakfast and DJ's card was the last one picked. He had to pick up the 200 dollar tab and since he is unemployed the California taxpayers provided the meal.
by Awesomes007 April 10, 2006
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