The time period during which a guy is actually engaged in the shopping experience. This period can last from almost no time at all to literally hours for a metrosexual, and includes all forms of shopping, from the grocery store to designer boutiques. It should also be noted that this period can be increased through witty girl techniques such as handing a guy a blackberry loaded with brickbreaker to play or sitting him in front of a couch with sportscenter.
"Dude, I am totally down to go try on a few pairs of jeans right now, but I am letting you know that my shopping window is only about 45 minutes today.
by rach BFD May 3, 2008
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The day after Thanksgiving Day, when shoppers flood retail shops for supposed holiday deals. Also known as "Black Friday" and sometimes celebrated as "Buy Nothing Day."
"I was so full of tofurkey, I didn't think I was going to be able to get up early to wait in line at the big box stores on Thingsgetting Day."
by Ben Timberlake April 10, 2007
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Another excuse for Americans to spend an entire day eating
"Damn, it's not a weekend, and i want to eat all day"
"Why Don't we invent a holiday and give it a stupid name?"
"Fo Shizzle, My Pilgrizzle!"
by kymcleod November 29, 2003
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When you are flying in the coach section of an airplane and one or both of the other two seats are unoccupied giving you more room, to stretch, lean or lie down.
The middle seat was unoccupied on my recent flight home so I got to sit in Redneck First Class
by fetmeister February 12, 2009
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When a commercials audio is much louder than the program that you actually want to watch's audio.
Man, I was watching NCIS, and then I had to turn down my TV when the commercials came on because of damn adverblasting.
by js1993 October 14, 2009
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Infamous, now viral, phrase uttered by John Tyner of Oceanside after refusing to be subjected to an airport body scanner and subsequent thorough pat down.

Can also be used in any social setting where you just want people to stop bothering you with uninteresting things.
TSA - "Sir, we need to pat you down..."
JT - "Don't touch my junk!"

Boring friend- "Hey man, you want to see these slides from my family summer vacation?"

JT - Don't touch my junk!"
by alexgb72 November 16, 2010
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Alerting your friends and co-workers when someone nearby has just farted.
I was sitting in my cubicle and smelled something rotten in the air. I wish someone would have given an "Egg Alert" before I sat down to eat my lunch.
by Evil Eggs November 14, 2010
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