A Scots word meaning a penis, usually large and floppy, often used as an insult
I have a huge walloper

I don't like him, he's a walloper
by big hairy walloper August 3, 2006
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Derived from the word wallop, which is onomatopoeia (a sound word) for an impact of some sort, it is a Scottish slang term for a penis, usually a large penis.

It is also used to refer to unpleasant people, much like dick, cock, prick and knob would be used in conversation.
"Jesus Christ, did ye see the size of that walloper he had on him?"


"He's a bleedin' walloper, and that's all there is to it!'
by Kraigy January 18, 2007
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the true Scottish slang meaning of the word is Idiot.
"This jolly walloper tis a bit daft more than the others."
by Cajin_Asian February 28, 2017
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A cock (see Alastair). Usually big
Alastair has a wee nob, I have a walloper!
by Jimbo February 23, 2004
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A severe ass woopin. A huge event. To get whomped. A motherload.
The boy walloped the bully teaching him a lesson. We got walloped in that last snow storm.
by Jomamma2 January 18, 2010
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a severe malicious beating handed out by an enraged P-UNIT soldier.
If you see a street villian with a pink bandana around his face, chances are somebody has or is about to recieve a walloping.
by Sheik November 18, 2003
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