124 definitions by Jimbo

The medical name for Crystal Meth / Ice / Glass / Jib / Crank.
After The Urinalisis we concluded that the person was under the influence of many drugs one being Bezedrine.
by Jimbo October 22, 2003
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A male coward; A misogynist; A vile miscreant that wishes or causes harm or death to women; A gutless ignoramus. One who stalks women. cowardwhimppussysissychickenstalker
When Jimbo noticed the little Alpha harassing an innocent woman, he knocked him to the ground and beat him to a bloody pulp.
by Jimbo December 11, 2004
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the result of a large chili feast
after the chili dinner, we had a huge fart-o-rama
by Jimbo June 11, 2003
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Another way to say "God Damn" without actually saying it.
"GD Zack, why do you have to hump guys all the time?"
by Jimbo September 4, 2003
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A poof, The bussiest botter in a 3-line bum chain
You lucky piere you
by Jimbo February 23, 2004
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teenager whom likes sports and hates many people, but likes hot people; anti-homo
by Jimbo April 16, 2003
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A flugelhorn player who achieved international success with his jazz single, Feels So Good, in 1977.
CHUCK MANGIONE: When I signed a contract to be the Mega Lo Mart spokesman, I didn't read it carefully. I have to be at every store opening, and they open 400 stores a year. I haven't had time to record, or tour, or give my old lady any slow sweet lovin' in years. So I disappeared to the last place they'd ever look for me. I've been living here rent-free, eating their Cheerios, playing their video games and trying on their underpants. Anything to stick it to the Man.
by Jimbo February 14, 2005
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