That thing us guys piss in.
Girl: What is that funny looking thing on the wall in the men's bathroom?

Guy: That's a urinal.
by Anonymous July 29, 2003
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one who dives under water in search of something, as for pearls; a diver (from L. urinare < urinor, to plunge under water, dive)
In Latin there is a curious twist in that whereas urina means “urine,” the verb urinare means “to dive,” and to the Romans a urinator was a diver - an example of a deceptive cognate.

Two species of this bird (the loon), Urinator imber and the red-throated diver, Urinator lumme, frequent our northern waters.
by tsuwm February 11, 2011
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A yellow liquid that is sterile and is liked for its taste.
Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No, but it's sterile and I like the taste!
by El Poopstersaurus April 4, 2018
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A urinal that splashes your shoes and the front of your pants with pee when you flush it.
Dude!!! Don't use that urinal on the far right because it's a urinator!!!
by Telephony October 24, 2010
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Urine urban dictionary looking at definitions of Urine

Urine trouble if you don't know what Urine is.
by Shrimp not October 18, 2013
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1) A sink like, usually porcelein, object mounted against a wall with a knob to flush ontop. Only found in bathrooms for men. Occasionally you'll stumble across a new-age urinal that flushes when the motion sensor detects you aren't there.

2) The place to put a chocolate cake.


Girl: What the fuck is that?
Boy: Urinal. It keeps me from peeing on your face.


Dude: Check out that urinal. Its so clean and new.

Dude Deux: ...You're right. Lets buy a chocolate cake and stuff it in there.

Dude: Cool I'll bring my camera.
by ihumpmarinesforbreakfast July 1, 2005
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What you might call the male penis because most of the time it's used, you expel micturition (piss, pee, poddy, etc.) out of it and into a urinal, toilet, bottle, cup, and so on where it can (hopefully) be disposed of.
Hang on a moment Dominique, I need to deal with my urinator before we go to the fag bar.
by Telephony October 5, 2018
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