According to, "A soft, absorbent piece of paper used as toilet paper, a handkerchief, or a towel." IT is generally used to wipe one's nose when snot collects inside one's nostrils. Most tissues can be purchased at your local supermarket or pharmacy, or if you live in a small town at your local general store. Tissue paper can also be used for craftsmaking according to, and Kleenex is the most popular tissue company.Then again, does anyone honestly care what the definition of tissue is? Does anyone actually not know what a tissue is? Sheesh
by ijustlivehere January 16, 2006
by edwin gaffney March 8, 2006
by jason January 8, 2004
To be used after long nights of halo'ing (see Halo) or pr0ning (see pr0n or circle-jerk). Note: Never to be used on the nose, as your roommate will often use it after halo, and put it back in the box. Thanks Justin.
My nose is running. I need a tissue, where is that box of tiss- oh god, there's jizz on my nose. Where's Justin?
by hobo.breakfast May 4, 2006
cute girl; just like how the word "tissue" and how "red noses" are such cute phrases, tissue refers to a very cute girl
by Tazuuuu October 1, 2009
by she'sabirddoge July 2, 2013
An aggregation of morphologically similar cells and associated intercellular matter acting together to perform one or more specific functions in the body. There are four basic types of tissue: muscle, nerve, epidermal, and connective.
The destruction of solid tissue resulted in a collection of pus around the wound, also known as an abscess.
by blammord March 23, 2006