
1. Fearing of any danger to a testicle.
2. Endangering a testicle.
1. He has been very testical since his wife purchased the chains and whip.
2. Needles are testical when held at groin level.
by MindVirus June 30, 2008
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The Festivals are waving around in the air and they are wrinkly. They are dangerous if they are put in the wrong place. The wrinkly old objects are useless in the snow. When the hair gets caught on braces it is a painful experience.
Testicals is a scientific term for yarbles or coin purpose.
by Flappy101 January 18, 2015
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A specific type of castration which involves physical removing of the testicles. Traditionally, pliers are used, but any sort of gripping device works. Testication is known mostly for the way the gripping device is used. Random portions of the scrotum are grabbed with the tool and yanked away with the intent to remove as much flesh as possible. The process repeats until testicles are removed, or the participating parties decide to stop.

A game can be made out of testication with players taking turns with grabbing things. Ideally this should be done blind folded to maintain the true spirit of testication. Points are awarded by the amount of flesh removed and bonus points for testicles removed intact.
1. Frank wouldn't give up the location of the money, so Peter was forced to testicate him.

2. Omar and Perry were bored one night, so they picked up a drifter to testicate him. Perry won when he got both balls removed in his second tug.
by ohshazbot September 17, 2012
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like a sausage fest, a party with a large male population that highly exceeds its female population
Guy 1:Dude, that party last night had 100 guys and only 2 chicks.
Guy 2: Damn, sounds like a testical festival
by djsklf August 31, 2005
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another name for gizz or sperm
did you see drews pants? he had remains of testical tar everywhere
by K.P. April 12, 2006
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When you eyes are really sensitive.
Just like a pair of testicals
Joe- Hey you better grab you sunglasses
Tom- Why?
Joe- It's so bright out here, and I know you have testical eyes.
Tom- Oh, ight. Thanks for the heads up.
by syd_tha_kid April 2, 2010
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