
overly concerned with standards and minute detail.
Honor Gurad is so stract they beat off to shining their shoes.
by Alex Parm November 11, 2007
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A shorter way of saying "Distracted" but meant to be used on someone who is crazy, out of there mind, drunk or drugged, or even just weird.
You are so stracted! Girl, he acts so stracted. Oh no, here comes "stracted" ass Linda, hide your purse.
by TDThom October 2, 2007
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Everybody dies. That’s stracts.
by 24446666668888888 February 16, 2020
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a combination of the words disturbed and distracted
What's wrong with them, why are they acting so stracted?
by GeekyEcoChic October 3, 2018
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(adj) to become distracted by an attractive man, especially one that commonly gives you sexual favours
I tried to stay angry at him, but he had me totally dick-stracted.
by Marc K July 12, 2005
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To be distracted whilst playing too much wii.
by wabberjocky March 20, 2009
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Not getting any work done because you distracted by Wii announcements and game play videos.
Trevor and Chris didn't get anything done this morning. They were a bit wii-stracted.
by office glen September 11, 2006
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