
That sonuvabitch stole my cookie!
by de jay December 5, 2008
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Now rarely if ever used with actual thought given to the character of a person's mother.

1. asshole, prick, bastard
2. one who misleads or is deceitful : LIAR
3. someone who gets something they don't deserve or more than seems fair, especially relative to the speaker
4. expressing surprise or anger
That's my sister you're talking about, you sonuvabitch.

That sonuvabitch said he'd be here. Where is that asshole?

I was going to eat that, ya sonuvabitch.

Sonuvabitch! It's fucking hot today.
by ChiliWI September 24, 2006
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1.How a hick says son of a bitch.
2.Saying son of a bitch at a high tempo.
You sonuvabitch Cletus! Don't you know how to make your mark?
by jj555298 May 30, 2005
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1. An asshole
2. The son of a bitch of a beastly woman
Charlie, you sonuvabitch!
by Anonymous September 20, 2003
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The son of a mean and nasty woman, or female dog. Usually used to describe someone that you have a distaste for, but can also be used, in some cases, as a term of endearment. More commonly seen as "son of a bitch."
"Carl, you sonuvabitch!"

"You mutha fuckin'sonuvabitch"

"I still say he's a sonuvabitch. He's a conceited sonuvabitch."
by Alexander Stone September 20, 2006
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The catchphrase of Lily Aldrin on How I Met Your Mother (also used by other characters such as Barney Stinson)
You Sonuvabitch

You Sonuva...Itch Bay
by BuddermanTheAmazing December 30, 2016
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A word use to offend people who dont understand you used by a guy in a lab coat
Foreigner: How can i help you?
Lab coat guy: I am Mad scientist.
Its so cool, sonuvabitch.
by nebba August 29, 2018
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