how to

A common random phrase heard on Space Cowboy online, usually from n00bs and newbs, asking for some kind of information which is normally either common sense or self-explanitory. To use this phrase properly, you must:

a) NEVER introduce yourself when you log on;
b) NEVER EVER RTFM or in-game SEARCHABLE FAQ or SCO website
c) NEVER EVER EVER have a good enough grasp of the english
language to ask the question properly or understand the
answer, and:
d) NEVER EVER EVER EVER type in anything but all caps.
jrandomn00b : HOW TO WALK!?
VeteranDude : your character is controlled by moving the
mouse and pressing and the left and right mouse buttons
Nerfherder4 : WTFLOL?!!!33forty-five
jrandomn00b : HOW TO TAKE OFF!?!?
VeteranDude : press the "take off" button at the bottom of your screen
Bystander66 : lmfao
jrandomn00b : HOW TO FLY!?!?!?
VeteranDude : i give up, man, i really do
Bystander66 : 'how to think for myself?'
Nerfherder4 : 'how to live?'
by Yarpsnesan November 17, 2006
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how to

a phrase usually used to express ones confusion in a south indian accent. first coined by srikesh of blue kimchi, this word is only used by coolbois. any question can be asked by simply saying "how to"
"stop doing drugs" "BUT HOW TO?"
by potatobro45 April 25, 2018
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An interjection indicating approval, congratulations, or gratitude. Common especially in Laurentian mountains of Quebec, Canada.
James: Hey Rodney, how did your water test go?
Rodney: I passed! I got my third in Campcraft!
James: How-how!
by Chad_Reiss February 12, 2006
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a breed between a horse and a cow
what the
by Dr. Malcom Ferlosofos August 10, 2003
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And how

An expression of agreement. Can be used in place of 'indeed.' Can also be used sarcastically to get someone to stop fucking talking to you about frivolous things.

syn: you said it.
Rhonda: Juan, it's pretty cold outside today.
Juan: And how!

Erin: I told her to shut the hell up because she was being a whore. I mean who tries anal with her boyfriend and then tells the entire cheer squad about it? I swear, Kelly is so totally gay...
Franklin (clearly annoyed): AND HOW!
by Skivvy March 25, 2004
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how be

Similar to "How are you", this phrase is often used at the beginning of IM conversations to inquire about the health of a friend.
IM 1: Hey...
IM 2: Hey, how be?
IM 1: I'm good, you?
by Jodie Wood October 9, 2007
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how's that

a term used in cricket, appealing to the umpire, for a wicket
how's that said the fielders
by ROBERT SAVAGE June 13, 2006
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