
(verb) to expel from existence/block on facebook
Jon owed me a cheesesteak, so I asked him about it on facebook, and that loser done rossied me.

If you keep writing on my wall I'm going to rossi you.
by PCP_SGT November 9, 2010
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When your ambition outweighs your talent
Alvaro performed a perfect rossi when he crashed and took out Jaylo with him in Assen
Hector is known for his impossible rossi moves
by Fred Eyre September 30, 2016
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Rossi is the best motorbike racers around
by Maria July 17, 2003
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A god like MotoGP racer
Rossi on a TZ125 would wax my ass even if I was on a RC211v.
by He who arises in might October 14, 2004
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When you stick one or more fingers, but not an entire fist, into someone's butthole as a punishment or loving gesture.
The dog shit on the floor so I gave Franky a rossi.
by Loser Makes Good May 4, 2009
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To have cheated, to have cut a corner.
He rossied that test for an A.
by AmbroseBierce June 13, 2015
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A girl that possibly will be the most beautiful girl you could meet. At times, if angered her she can be the biggest bitch alive. But her happiness, energy, and kindness will eventually consume you and you will not be able to get enough of such a special girl
That girl Rossy makes me feel speical.
by Sonjaja May 17, 2011
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