Raz is the most funny, smart, and nice girl / boy you will ever meet. She/ he is kind to everyone, and has a lot of friends.

It has an Uncertain origin and is a unisex name.

Meaning of name: ‘secret
1:I met a girl called Raz today

2: I know, I met her too, she was really nice!
by Skskskskkskskskskskksk April 1, 2019
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A moody girl, but loves her close friends. She often has black hair and is fairly pretty.
Oh I have to work with Raz.
by Gigglekitty December 9, 2016
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Basically god, an amazing person who is just as perfect as a person can be.
by Nebuchadnezzar the second November 22, 2021
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wicked a word u use when summat amazin as happened
Yo, dat is RAZ man!!!
by baby gurl xoxox May 19, 2005
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Someone who is very smart and caring. She is super cute and so fine.
P: I love angels like Raz.
by Suga is your sin July 15, 2018
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A generic, slang verb used in place of other verbs to suggest the quick movement of an object or person(s).
"Raz that lighter over here"

"I'll have a shower, then raz over to kings heath"

"What time do you wanna raz over to Tom's house?"

"Raz those beers in the fridge home-friend!"
by Wilson Carey & Pace Ltd August 29, 2007
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A man who pwns all others.
Raz pwns, no example needed.
by Anonymous June 29, 2003
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