middle ages

a period of European history from around A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500
some people from the MIDDLE AGES were Marco Polo (european explorer) and Kublai Khan (friend of Marco Polo)
by social_studies_words February 2, 2014
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middle age

The period of a person's life that falls between youth and wishing you would fucking die. For some the line between middle age and old age is very thin.

Richard Nixon was born middle aged; Madonna achieved middle age when she became irrelevant; Dick Cheney bypassed middle age and went straight to old age as fast as he could get there.
My dad and mom still think they're young, but the sad truth is they hit middle age early in life and won't admit it.
by Vermont Ferret July 14, 2005
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Middle Ages

Probably one of the most misunderstood times in history. While it is true that there were many things wrong with the middle ages, such as people getting sick more often or wrongful execution of innocents, they didn't happen nearly as often as mainstream culture would like to portray it. (That is to say, EVERY TIME).

Also poor people weren't starving or depressed. English peasants would eat SALMON every day, because guess what? They lived near rivers! (DUH) And the children played every day in the fields or in said rivers and would also help their parents work the fields and around the house. Also, nobody gave a fuck about social media, everything you needed to know, you learned from your neighbors.
*Medieval market bustle*

Richard: God bless you, Henry! Have you prepared the beer for the party tonight? It's finally the end of spring and we finally have enough berries and leftover chickens to celebrate the summer solstice with a good meal!
Henry: Yes I have, richard. I do believe I have a solid barrel* of good ale for our celebration. Will your wife prepare her famous cranberry tarts?
Richard: Yes she will indeed. Maybe we can bring the children this year too?
Henry: Well they are fourteen. I think they are old enough to party with us.**
Richard: Marvelous. I will see you tonight, good friend!
Henry: Likewise!

*Everyone dances, sings, eats and drinks that night, men, women and children alike and everyone is happy*

*31 gallons
**That's being PG-friendly. Kids would drink ale as young as 5 in Medieval England

The Middle Ages were actually a vibrant age. A simpler time.
by mancyclopediac January 17, 2019
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middle aged

i. a period between early adulthood and old age, anywhere from 30 to 65 years old.

ii. Something most people will not admit to being. (It sucks to be older than 29...)
The man was middle-aged, though he loathed to admit it.

My students make fun of me by calling me middle aged, though I am 29 forever...
by An English Major January 26, 2012
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Middle aged

When someone is between the ages of 35 and 60.
A man is middle aged after he turns 35 by many of today’s more rational young people, today’s youth who are pricks would consider a 36 year old an old person at the end of their life cycle though unfortunately.
by Subtropical 1021 November 9, 2021
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middle aged slang

What's in a middle-aged person's vocabulary from when they were pretty young things. it is exceptionally obvious when a.) the oldie in question is presenting a motivational speech to a bunch of bored high school kids and wants them to think they are 'hap'nin' but doesn't know the correct speech anymore, b.) when said oldie decided to write a 'convincing' teen novel. Is also apparent on the 'made for teens' websites you have to visit for school, where you're so enraptured in the hip language that you don't realize you're learning! *yay*
Let's read an exerpt of my new motivational book for teens:
Kyle: What's up Verne, you're looking tubular today!
Verne: Man, hey! Don't block my style. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd heard of the totally far-out website that helps teens like us help kids all over the world.
Kyle: Man, what a trip! Let's start making a difference!

(Communal gags from all under-85's at the blatant use of middle aged slang)
by Angelacia May 26, 2007
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Middle Aged Cack

Lets just say if you have a middle aged cack you are superior to everyone else.
Once i whipped out my middle aged cack on him and he ran away and called 911
by mrman112 February 25, 2020
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