142 definitions by Angelacia

When someone is telling one of those really long 'isn't it so weird when' stories, and no one can identify, and they go to one person in the group desperately and say, "You get it, right?'
Molly: Yeah, like, it's so weird when you're in the hot tub and you're looking up at the stars and you think, 'Hey, I could die right now, my grandma could be dead right now and I wouldn't even know.'

Everyone: ?

Molly: (grabs someone's arm) You get it, right? Like, it's the weirdest feeling...you get it, right?
by Angelacia June 20, 2007
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The worst area of any city, anywhere.
I live in southeast.

by Angelacia June 20, 2007
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A grimy drug-infested area of London. It has been majorly cleaned up but it's still not that good.
When you walk out of King's Cross station you are immediately confronted by a bunch of drugged-up homeless and nasty looking teenagers wanting drugs or to sell you drugs.
by Angelacia May 21, 2007
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It's what really counts.
Outer beauty is what counts. If you're ugly, who's gonna stick around you long enough to see your inner beauty?
by Angelacia June 27, 2007
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The ugly, surgically enhanced Simpson sister who dropped the whole "I'm as hardcore as Avril Lavigne" thing when she realized no one was buying it, not even little 11 yr olds.
Ashlee Simpson is so hardcore I cut my wrists when I listen to her.
by Angelacia May 1, 2007
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When someone is going to do something really stupid, useless, or annoying, or if you are jealous that someone is getting to do something you're not, it is a put-down. See whatever.
geek: Well, I'M going to get my hair follicle tested for carbon today!

normal kid: Psh, have fun.

Annie: guess what, i get a free shopping spree at neiman marcus today!!

Jenna: psh, have fun.
by Angelacia May 4, 2007
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