
When a suppository is manually inserted with one's index finger (or more if necessary) into the anus and it is gently parked on the anal verge to all your friends' shock and horror.
"Oh my god Mandy I can't believe you keep ledging right in front of me; go and sanitise your poo-finger"
by Tee Elle See April 18, 2010
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The act of Smoking Marijuana to regain your thoughts. Feels like your going back in time to before it was forgotten.
Tim: What was our lottery numbers before you smoked the ticket?

Tom: Jus wait, hehe, ill get ledged..


Tom: 3, 16, 21, hehehehehe, 26, 31, yeaaa
by 42KANG June 12, 2007
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Ledge Monkey

A person who always says he will commit suicide either because he wants the attention or wants someone to talk him out of it.
That ledge monkey says he would commit suicide but we all know thats bull.

Hey, if you're going to stay up on that ledge you might as well jump.
by Johnny Hotnuts May 22, 2008
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Ledge Faggot


In a fighting video game such as Super Smash Brothers, to ledge faggot is to stand guard at the edge of the level and block your opponent from getting back on the platform after being thrown off.

These repetitive moves are tactically simple and often called "cheap".
Z: I just threw your ass!
Kyle: I'm coming back.
Z: Not if I have anything to say about it!
Kyle: You did your stupid punch right as I was trying to get back on the edge. Why do you always have to ledge faggot me?
by themuskrat April 14, 2009
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ledge booty

an ass so big, you can rest your drink on it ... while she's standing up!
Damn! Look at that fine ass chick with the big ol' ledge booty!
by Da Nastee One December 6, 2006
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Window ledge

A different way of calling someone a legend.
When they are so legendary they can be called a window ledge.
Isn’t Alex such a cool guy
“Yeah he’s a true window ledge
by Lozzie October 20, 2018
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Dance Ledge

A shelf-shaped platform of any kind that can be danced on when pissed and showing off , for example a low wall or narrow stage.
Milly was enjoying twerking on that dance ledge till Cathy dropped that air biscuit
by peaveyyyy May 19, 2016
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