
Short, but not much shorter, for legend. A parallel to griffo(Only Gonzagites will understand the last bit)
Oh Byrno ya ledge-Griffo
Ooh Griffo-Byrno
by Simon(the ledge) March 4, 2006
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To knock someone off of a ledge usually to their death within a video game.
Zanny: “*ROFL* I fuckin’ ledged their Shugoki
by Hydromancer November 12, 2021
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To walk, hang or any other way use a ledge to get from a place to another.
"the game tells me to ledge, so i did and my character was ledging"
by finchii June 2, 2018
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Within Monster Hunting circles, a Large Elder Dragon Gem. Typically given as an example of an extremely rare item.
Ugh, that's almost as rare as a LEDG.

P1: I got a LEDG!
P2: I hate you.
P1 has left the Gathering Hall
by Caroniver July 21, 2016
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Someone who has legendary qualities.
Ricky was a real ledg when he partied all night then woke up and bikes 50 miles on mushrooms.
by Hazybro October 24, 2020
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When a person's eyebrows decend far past the eyes, like a caveman or old school barrbarian. Must be used when expressing the seriousness of a thing or situation.
"Watching the movie 300 in the movie theater."
"Hey dude, look at the ledge on segals face!"
by Romano's May 12, 2008
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A 'Ledge' is a person you wish to bestow a certain amount of grattitude on for doing a ledgendary act. This act may not seem like much but if it touches your heart (for whatever twisted reason) let them know today. Give 'ledge' a whirl.
Mr formestone you are a Ledge.

(also note that contorting your right hand to form an 'L' shape and firing it up in a rather 'Craig David' style way adds extra oomph to this phrase. The double ledge (wherein you make two 'L' shapes) is becoming ever popular also)
by L-JJ March 18, 2005
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