Short, but not much shorter, for legend. A parallel to griffo(Only Gonzagites will understand the last bit)
by Simon(the ledge) March 4, 2006
by Hydromancer November 12, 2021
by finchii June 2, 2018
Within Monster Hunting circles, a Large Elder Dragon Gem. Typically given as an example of an extremely rare item.
Ugh, that's almost as rare as a LEDG.
P1: I got a LEDG!
P2: I hate you.
P1 has left the Gathering Hall
P1: I got a LEDG!
P2: I hate you.
P1 has left the Gathering Hall
by Caroniver July 21, 2016
by Hazybro October 24, 2020
When a person's eyebrows decend far past the eyes, like a caveman or old school barrbarian. Must be used when expressing the seriousness of a thing or situation.
by Romano's May 12, 2008
A 'Ledge' is a person you wish to bestow a certain amount of grattitude on for doing a ledgendary act. This act may not seem like much but if it touches your heart (for whatever twisted reason) let them know today. Give 'ledge' a whirl.
Mr formestone you are a Ledge.
(also note that contorting your right hand to form an 'L' shape and firing it up in a rather 'Craig David' style way adds extra oomph to this phrase. The double ledge (wherein you make two 'L' shapes) is becoming ever popular also)
(also note that contorting your right hand to form an 'L' shape and firing it up in a rather 'Craig David' style way adds extra oomph to this phrase. The double ledge (wherein you make two 'L' shapes) is becoming ever popular also)
by L-JJ March 18, 2005