
To Edge and Looksmaxx at the same time.
by edger9001 February 17, 2024
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In the game Battlefront 2, a term used to describe the act of pushing someone off a ledge to kill them, a widely unacceptable, if funny, behavior.
Ok, this guys doing nothing but ledging, i'm leaving.
by SheevPalps April 29, 2022
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boozy ledge

That lad who can't stop drinking far more than everyone else every night you go out yet somehow never pisses you off and is the funniest guy of the night.
Person 1 : "Bet I could get another drink and not barry"
Person 2: "See it off then ya boozy ledge"
by fuckpie666 February 27, 2016
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ledge snake

When someone is stopping you from getting back onto the stage in Super Smash Bros.
Stop being a ledge snake Tomas and let me grab the ledge.
by nmorganelli March 5, 2021
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