the most pointless thing ever, but you gotta wear them anyways. usually for protection from the cold weather but also to keep the creeps away from looking at you
by edgymofo December 12, 2021
by Killing Kittens November 4, 2006
Pieces of fabric shaped and stitched so that they may be worn on the body. Are increasingly becoming a symbol of social status.
Many people are being classified based on what kind of clothes they wear. You've probably done it, too.
by Matt March 25, 2005
by ive been jammin @ May 29, 2008
Something that is made from almost any type of fabric and it worn on your body. Also used for some people to judge other people to make themselves feel better. (cause their stupid)
by Gemini18 December 28, 2007
by sheeeeeeeesh April 14, 2019
by slab October 19, 2004