34 definitions by Katherine

(n) a disease caught by those who attend Gunn High School, Palo Alto, and some surrounding schools. Symptoms generally start to appear junior year, though they may be present as early as sixth grade in some cases. Short-term effects include mad AP classes as well as extracurriculars, caffeine addiction, intense sleep-deprivation, a triple-booked schedule, no time for family and/or friends, and chronic talking online at 5AM while doing homework.

Long-term effects include acceptance to Stanford(in severe cases), heart disease, and a "BRING IT ON" mentality regarding life that will haunt you to your grave.
I was studying AP Biology while on a volunteer worksite in Canada over spring break and talking in French to my professor online, when I realized what a totally *Gunnitis* moment it was.
by Katherine July 2, 2004
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1. The sidewalk
2. A highly influencial 90s rock band that started in 1898 and then, unfortunately split in 1999. Stephen Malkmus was frontman (guitar and main vocals), backed up by Scott "Spiral Stairs" Kannberg (guitar), Gary Young (drummer in the beginning), Mark Ibold (bass), Steve West (drummer after Young left), and Bob Nastanovich (percussion).
After Pavement fell out, SM developed "Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks" and Spiral Stairs started "Preston School of Industry."
Though five years have gone by since the band's demise, it still releases new editions of albumns and DVDs, thus retaining their impressive legion of fans.
1. It's so hot that someone's frying an egg on the pavement.
by Katherine April 4, 2004
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An inference is the term given to a statement that may not be true, but was based on evidence collected.
The opposition lawyer inferred that the man had stolen the shoes as all evidence pointed towards this being the case.
by Katherine April 6, 2003
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someone who shoves their nose up people's asses to get people to like them.

They can also pick up the scent of anyone's fart within a twenty mile radius.
"That's a nice suit sir". Look at that shit nose sucking up.

If it wasn't for my shit nose, I could enjoy my meals without smelling ass every second.
by Katherine January 13, 2004
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If your friend is sick you will say "by the way are you ok"
by Katherine November 23, 2003
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the coolest girl in the whole fucking world
kafrin is the coolest girl in the whole fucking world.
by Katherine December 8, 2003
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