by MavvyVaddo December 8, 2011
The act of feeling confused, happy, anxious, and occasionally a bit angry, as well as feeling ballsy.
by fopurple June 23, 2022
1. when you penetrate your penis so far into the vagina that your testicles stop you from goin deeper.
by Drich44 December 17, 2013
In a moment of boredom, going "Balls Out" refers to the act of removing one's testicles from one's pants and placing them on a random object in a public place. Can be used as a great photo opportunity.
by Mr. Comcastic May 5, 2010
After the Saints won the Super Bowl, Reggie Bush celebrated by Going Balls Deep Butt Good on Kim Kardashian's phat ass!
by MOCO & P-Phat May 28, 2010
Made famous by the Channel 4 programme 'Grand Designs' in the UK by one of the owners of the houses being built, a Five Star Fur Lined Ocean Going Balls Up means that something has been a major catastrophe from start to finish, a complete and utter screw up. This is possibly just the perfect thing to say when something has gone just about as wrong as it can!
by The Scottish Contingent September 21, 2007
What is said to a guy who allows his pride to be taken from him chronically, often by a woman
Said to a wimp to encourage him to regain his dignity.
Said to a wimp to encourage him to regain his dignity.
Man, you need to go get your balls back from her. You're being made to look like a fool!
Barak, go get your balls back from Michelle.
Barak, go get your balls back from Michelle.
by LaughinJack July 11, 2011