Jessica: what are you guys doing tonight?

Amanda: I heard about some dangler party going on tonight.

Lindsey: I love dangler parties!

Natalie: let's bring some more guys to the dangler party!
by Skibunny12 April 6, 2015
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To define the words ‘oily danglers’ you’ll probably have to close your eyes and think of a time when those perfect fantastic foreign women bask topless coating themselves with that oil based suntan lotion making them glisten and look so delightfully succulent you just want to help apply the lotion.

Also any magnificent breasts your fondling, sorry massaging with oils for your sexual gratification............I mean........for the woman’s relaxing massage your treating her to.


Any pair of breasts with any oil based product on are known as ‘oily danglers’.
“What the fuckers is wrong with you dude?” I asked dude as his jaw dropped, his eyes popped out and then drool started dripping.

Composing himself dude answered “look at the oily danglers over there”
“Mmmmmmm.......I like” I mumbled as my mind wondered into some really dirty thoughts.
by Iwannariot October 28, 2020
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An illustration of the male reproductive package featuring a pair of uneven testicles (resembling a lowercase "w") and a handsome drooping penis.
I couldn't not draw a W-Dangler on the bus window on the way to every away game in the '08-'09 season. It made the bus look mean!
by Walter Wolstein Vaughan January 13, 2010
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While making a cocktail (alcoholic beverage) for someone, you use your erect penis to stir the drink.
Bar Patron: "One Jack and Coke please."
Bartender (or twisted friend): "Coming right up." (You then whip out your erect cock and stir the poor bastards's drink to perfection). AKA the "Dallas Dangler."
Bar Patron: (Sip) "...Ahhh, that's a STIFF Jack and Coke!!"
by Mike 111825 December 6, 2007
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A term coined by avid babywearing parents to denote any type of front carrier used to carry babies and children that literally leaves them dangling from the crotch.
(Most notably, the Baby Bjorn, the Snugli, and the cheap Chico and Infatino knock offs).

I mean, really, would YOU like to hoisted up by bearing all your weight on your crotch?
"I just love my baby bjorn!" :)
"You should switch to a maya wrap, or a moby wrap... or essentially any other sling that isn't a crotch dangler "
"Oh, that makes sense"

That crotch dangler looks mighty uncomfortable
by rocketspoon August 18, 2010
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A term used to describe a person who engages in dick dangling, an ancient asian sport where two men connect their penises with chains and pull until the other falls to his knees.

This term can also be used as an insult for someone you dislike.
by mike fellatio January 26, 2005
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when you're peeing the next day and a wad of cum slides out and dangles from your vagina
I knew it was a big load, but I wasn't expecting a 5-inch cum dangler.
by hb1020 September 28, 2020
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