
I slang a 20 rock the other day.
by White Gold August 11, 2003
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The act of selling drugs, while trying to avoid being labeled as a dealer.
Mark: Nice scale man, do you deal?
John: Nah, I'm just slingin
by kpq April 16, 2008
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a swing used for sexual pleasure.more than likely, hung from the celling with chains
that dude has a sling in his basment
by hemp February 20, 2005
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A wide strap with rings at the end used to carry baby children close to the adult body.
baby slings are a practical way for active people carrying babies.
by Jaybona November 28, 2009
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To sell drugs. Usually crack but can also refer to meth, herione, and cocaine.
"A bitch i heard you slingin glass for them surenos."
"That fool is a big ass slinger!"
by mateo chavez August 18, 2007
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that boys slingin' lemonade. You sling that shit?!
by r.barry December 27, 2008
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1.) A primitive weapon used to throw rocks or similarly spaped missiles at people or objects.

2.) This action of using a sling
1.) That guy used a sling to throw gobs of $hit at us. damn bitch.

2.) That guy slung $hit at us. I'm gonna get him with my rusty knife. That'll teach 'im.
by darkshadows February 29, 2004
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