a wireless device in which you make calls from anywhere you can pick up a signal.
I will call you from my cell phone when I get a signal.
I will test this device to see how it is edited with this word cell phone.
by mannman November 14, 2009
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An electronic device that imprisons you.
John wasn't granted access to his wife and kids. He had been sentenced to a life long-career with a cell phone.
by Clarebear81 February 14, 2011
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A device that is very handy in getting help if you run out of gas on the road, lost, crash, etc. Of course, now all stupid fuckoff people have one and oh say... have it ring during Advance Physics and having the professor cancel class and missing important notes which could have been useful on the final because the stupid fucker wouldn't leave when the professor told her to.
Cell phones are great for 2-5 minute conversations every week or so but not ALL the time. God fucking people with cell phones piss me off.
by sdasdsadsadas May 24, 2006
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Something all teenagers find is necessary when really its not at all...and makes people horrible drivers. . .thats why n.y.(the only state worth living in) has a law against it
an asian person driving + cell phone = death to everyone
by A bitch and i'm sorry January 11, 2006
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Device which transmits radiation that can give you tumors and phone calls.
dude #1: "I got testicular cancer from keeping my cell phone in my pocket!"

dude #2: "You're like Tom Green!"
by SLAYtanic February 2, 2005
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A mobile communication device.

Once a status symbol for the upper class, but now a way to identify the teenage children of lower class people.
I went to the movie theater the other day and I felt like I was walking through a cell phone jungle.
by P.A. July 20, 2005
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a nice device that can cause brain damage. also if you have an MP3 player on it...arghh
she called me on my cell fone last night and then we went on AIM on our fones. then i listened to the new songs that aren't out yet...all at the same time
by juilla October 12, 2003
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