That thingy on the wall that only dads can touch and will say “it cost money” to you if you touch it
by Falling walrus October 20, 2019
the thingy on the wall that controls the temperature of the room. Of course, it will always be too hot or too cold.
The cunt said "its too hot" so I turned the thermostat down and an hour later she's complaining its "too cold in here". So I undressed her and warmed her up in bed.
by Jake February 3, 2004
the exposure of a single foot in the attempt to precisely control one's body temperature while bundled in ample covers.
Often involves frantic flailing after awakening overheated. The foot is then returned under the covers after the appropriate temperature is achieved.
Often involves frantic flailing after awakening overheated. The foot is then returned under the covers after the appropriate temperature is achieved.
by pharmgrl2001 December 7, 2009
Her: One thing you should know about me, is that I need the temperature to be at least 75 °
Him: Me too! We are thermostat compatible.
Him: Me too! We are thermostat compatible.
by zevg April 24, 2012
A window open in the dead of winter, as used by tenants of apartments with building-controlled heating (typically steam radiators), which presumably doubles as a basement blast-furnace and would otherwise boil the occupants alive. So-named for its prevalence in the NYC borough and similar metropolitan areas with many pre-war buildings.
"That open window ain't a 'waste of energy,' it's the Brooklyn thermostat, and I swear d'ya it's the only thing keepin' us all from becomin' kebabs!"
by anonymoustach3 December 16, 2020
The intense, although very sneaky, altercation where two or more inhabitants of the same living space continually adjust the thermostat to their respective preferred temperatures, without the knowledge of the other person(s).
I set my thermostat to 65 degrees last night, and now it's at 80! My roommate must be declaring a thermostat battle!
by Iamsogood March 18, 2014
Jase: Yeah? Well I fucked your mom last night!
Pete: Bro, my mom's dead...
Jase: And I killed her
Mike: Way to kill the thermostat, Jase...
Pete: Bro, my mom's dead...
Jase: And I killed her
Mike: Way to kill the thermostat, Jase...
by Mike 0 January 21, 2008