When some one says something so stupid they have sucked the life out of the conversation.
John: I am so pumped for the Bears/Packers game tonight.

Tim: Yeah, I think Bret Farve is going to torch the Bears.

John: Bret Farve plays for the Vikings, Count Dorkula

(Conversation is during the current calendar year)
by Cool Hand Jew October 21, 2010
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A man that only comes out at night and instead of sucking blood out of necks like Count Dracula he sucks jizz out of dicks like Ricky Martin.
Man what happened to Mikey I haven't seen him in weeks? Oh He got bit by a fag bat he's a Count Fagula now.
by Johnny Motherfuckin P June 4, 2010
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The act of assuming or guessing other people's finances or net worth. Some take it a step further and actually try to suggest how others should spend their money.
"You make enough money off of sponsorships, you should take a pay cut to help bring in more players for your team."
"Stop counting pockets and worry about yo damn self."
by KD's Burner Page October 14, 2017
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What young men are apt to do in cold countries.
It usually consists of sitting and watching young girls and women as they pass, and observing their nipple areas to see if they have pursed up due to the cold, and consequently make a prominent hard bean shape under their tight fitting blouse or tee shirt.
It is a competitive sport and he who legitimately counts the most beans in an agreed time, wins.
I saw a poor girl this morning when I was bean counting with Bob; she was really cold.
by soreofhing July 6, 2009
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Almost defeated, like a boxer who has been knocked down and who will lose the fight if he can't get back on his feet before the referee counts to 10.
The Patriots score a touchdown! That makes it 24-14 with just two minutes to play. The Giants are really down for the count now.
by bixby January 29, 2008
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An evil guy from Super Paper Mario who wants to destroy the world because he lost his girlfriend and talks like Bob Dole.
"Your princess has been taken...by Count Bleck! The chosen executor of the Dark Prognosticus...is also Count Bleck! Says Count Bleck!" - Count Bleck
by tippi July 6, 2007
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