When a guy puts his penis back between his legs, and another guy sucks it while his nose is between the butt cheeks.
by You know who this is Jake January 23, 2015
The amount of time it takes to leave one's own couch, travel to a new destination, and sit on the couch at said destination.
The amount of time is longer because you not only include driving/walking time, but the time it takes to prepare to leave, and the time it takes to settle in after arrival.
The amount of time is longer because you not only include driving/walking time, but the time it takes to prepare to leave, and the time it takes to settle in after arrival.
by Crackima Kate December 5, 2010
(adj.) to be under the influence of marijuana to the point where you are stuck on the couch or you just can't wait to get to the couch.
by adamshane October 7, 2011
by Dubiks December 31, 2019
by studio d September 29, 2005
Hey, move over so I can sit on the couch.
Is it ok if I crash at your place?
Sure, you can have the couch.
You don't have any foot rests?
Nah, just prop 'em up on the couch.
I ate dinner in front of the tv last night on the couch.
I couldn't make it to the bathroom, so I used the couch.
I bought my dog a couch.
Is it ok if I crash at your place?
Sure, you can have the couch.
You don't have any foot rests?
Nah, just prop 'em up on the couch.
I ate dinner in front of the tv last night on the couch.
I couldn't make it to the bathroom, so I used the couch.
I bought my dog a couch.
by Imelda Czechs May 6, 2013
by natasha the sleuth March 18, 2009