by ☭✯ ✞☭ September 15, 2019
by Anonymous March 10, 2003
Dawg (da-og) to describe a friend.
by Kwillitzer June 16, 2017
Jordan: Our company isnt nationwide, only East Coast
Paul: Youre about to be! I dont think you know the dawg you just brought on!
Paul: Youre about to be! I dont think you know the dawg you just brought on!
by MrByrnes October 21, 2020
by Mavryk M July 24, 2004
Dawg is a term to identify someone you would usually hang out with. Same for homie, homeboy, and homes/holmes. The term Dawg was started in Mexican American communities, but most of the urban terms like dawg, homie, homeboy, etc. are usually givin credit for to the black/African-American community. The term dawg was originally and most commonly used in Spanish, wich is Perro. But the Mexican Americans later started using it in English, dawg/dog.
by Eddie.P March 24, 2007
by fartshitpoop May 26, 2021